25 ene 2014

In my opinion, Technology Teachers have more advantages to create an interactive environment than others. According to the syllabus of the subject we have to spend a lot of hours in the workshop in order to develop a project. So, why don't we make the most of it?
Encouraging students is not an easy task, interaction could be the key for it.
Let's list some learning and teaching strategies that can promote the interaction in the workshop:

  • Work in pairs or small groups to foster Peer education and teamwork skills.
  • Give them freedom to experiment but ensuring the security measures.
  • Continuous feedback in order to make easier to follow the instructions.
  • Explain as much as possible by demonstrating the process and make them to repeat it.
  • Promote cooperation between groups.
  • Share responsibilities: tool managing, leadership, cleanliness...
  • Help them to elaborate their own material.
Communicative activities are designed to be interactive and fun. 
Make students feel confortable and they will be likely to learn more!!

18 ene 2014


Very Visual tool to create glossaries of words presented in a word map or cloud.

An example:

Fuel: Material (such as coal, oil, or gas) that is burned to produce heat or power.
Organic: Grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals.
Source: Someone or something that provides what is wanted or needed.
Coal: Black hard substance within the earth that is used as a fuel.
Wind: Natural movement of air outside.
Water: The clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell.
Food: The things that people and animals eat.
Plant: Living thing that grows in the ground, has leaves or flowers and needs sun and water to survive.
Animal: Living thing that is not a human being or plant.
Oil: Thick, black liquid that comes from the ground and that is used in making various products.

Today we have found out two interesting educational tools!


Thesaurus could be defined as a reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning. In other words, a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.

As you can see in the picture, Thesaurus gives you a long list of synonyms and antonyms. However, its usefulness is based on how the advanced searching tools allow you to organize the list.

  • Relevance (A-Z/Z-A)
  • Complexity (+ or -)
  • Length (+ or -)
  • Common words
  • Informal words
  • Type of word (through the pull-down menu)
If we don't have enough vocabulary or we are trying to find the proper word, we can always ask Thesaurus for some help.


Corpora are compilations of oral and written texts that try to offer an accurate spectrum of the use of a language in a diversity of situations. 

As the picture shows, enables the study of wider patterns and collocation of words and allows analysis of multiple parameters at the same time. Therefore, is very useful in the case of expressions, prepositions, idioms and cultural references. 

Results obtained for "to be focused X":

My adventure searching new ICT material continues!

Today I'm going to speak about the best tool a CLIL teacher can have: The Dictionary.

I've tested some of the most important online dictionaries emphasizing their good and bad points.
The main purpose of that review is helping you to choose one, among all of them, depending on which features fit better with your objectives.

I've looked up the word "source" and these are my results:

Oxford Dictionary

Definition in English: Yes
Translation: No
Example Sentences: Yes
Synonyms: Yes
Related Words: No
Compound Forms: No
On-line Pronunciation: Yes
Origin: Yes
Rhymes: No
Forum Discussion: No

It works in the same way as an old-fashioned dictionary but on-line. Nowadays, we have better choices if we are looking for additional features. 
★★★ (of 5).

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition in English: Yes
Translation: Yes
Example Sentences: Yes
Synonyms: Yes
Related Words: Yes
Compound Forms: No
On-line Pronunciation: Yes
Origin: Yes
Rhymes: Yes
Forum Discussion: No

It is a perfect example of what we ask for an on-line dictionary. Well structured, a lot of information included and a lot of more surfing through the links.
★★★ (of 5).

WordReference Dictionary

Definition in English: No
Translation: Yes
Example Sentences: Yes
Synonyms: No
Related Words: Yes
Compound Forms: No
On-line Pronunciation: Yes
Origin: No
Rhymes: No
Forum Discussion: Yes

The absence of definitions make us think about it as a translator instead of a dictionary. Easy, direct and complete translator, probably the best you can find. In addition, you have a particular section called "forum Discussion" where almost everything is asked and answered by the community.
★★★★ (of 5).

And the bonus review is for:

M-W Learner's Dictionary

To add the word push plus button
Definition in English: Yes
Translation: No
Example Sentences: Yes
Synonyms: No
Related Words: No
Compound Forms: No
On-line Pronunciation: Yes
Origin: No
Rhymes: No
Forum Discussion: No

This dictionary is specially created for students. Clear definitions and examples. A very good learning tool due to its additional sections. We can add the words we have looked up in order to create our own dictionary. Having fun while learning some words in the "Vocabulary Quiz". Daily interesting words to complete our personal dictionary in "word of the day". And Finally, "Ask the Editor", some feedback with our english doubts.
★★★ (of 5).

16 ene 2014

In order to become a good technology teacher I've to study and identify in advance some of the problems that I'll probably encounter in my future job.
The first problem I found is how to adapt the syllabus of the Technology subject. 
The ECI/2220/2007 establishes the goals and the contents that are required for a student in order to pass. Due to the fact that we have to teach the subject trough a non mother tongue language but reaching the same minimums, we have to rebuilt completely the way we were teaching.
These are some of the goals for an E.S.O. student:
  • Autonomy, creativity and capacity to both work individually or in group.
  • Technic skills and enough knowledge for the analysis, design and manipulation of objects and tools.
  • Analyze objects in order to understand how do they work, knowing their parts and functions.
  • Express and communicate ideas and technic answers.
  • Fluently use of applications and database software.
  • Get used to new technologies including them in his/her daily life.
  • Behave with respect, tolerance, cooperativism and solidarity.

Therefore, not only we have to lower the difficulty of the contents but we have to use a proper language registre. In this case two: 
  • Academic English: specific lexis, syntax and genre conventions (oral and written) that teachers and students use in the context of learning.
  • English for Specific Purposes: language used in a specific field.
To solve this first language barrier, my suggestion is to elaborate a "language notebook". 
Throughout the course pupils will be filling it with vocabulary, grammatical structures and useful phrases in general. 
In addition, to ensure the understanding in our linguistic exchanges we could start with:
  • Asking for clarification
    • What does X mean?
    • Sorry, What did you say?
    • How can I say X in Spanish?
  • Non comprehension
    • I'm sorry, I didn't understand.
    • Could you repeat it, please?
    • Excuse me, I didn't get that.
Depending on the unit, we should include specific vocabulary. For example, If we are going to star a new project in the workshop, the explanation of the process will be easier if everyone can identify every tool in advance. Trough some activities we will include "Workshop tools vocabulary".

And that's all for today, see you all in my next entry and I encourage everybody to comment and discuss anything you want.

14 ene 2014

I have found some useful videos that can help us to improve the level of our Art sessions.

I recommend the first one to those who are trying to inspire pupils with something more than conventional painting methods. They give us some resources as webpages, software and even reviews of the latest Art devices.

This second video shows the evaluation of three ICT resources that you may consider:
  • Image manipulation software.
  • Online picture community.
  • Video editing software.

The last but not least, some useful resources focused on Design and Technology as:

  • Interactive Encyclopedia activities.
  • A digital Library with education clips.
  • Webpage supporting Design and Technology teaching.

I hope you have enjoyed them!!

In global terms a blog is considered a public webpage filled with entries, also called posts, organized in reverse chronological order. Normally managed by a single author.
However, its popularity is based on the way people uses that tool.
On internet there are over 100 million blogs. Among them, you can find several purposes: to express your thoughts and opinion, to promote something, to help people, to establish yourself as an expert, to connect with people like you, to make a difference or to stay connected with friends and family.
Furthermore, from my point of view one of the keys of its success is the interaction. They let people express and contrast opinions, ask questions or just congratulate and give support faster and easily.
During this exercise I have found out that a blog can be a powerful educative tool, so if the opportunity is given in a future I'll try to create and introduce it into my classroom materials.

Some of the sources:
What is a Blog
What are blogs?
what is a blog - Problogger

9 ene 2014

Hi everybody,

I'm Pedro, a 30 years old Technical Architect.
I've been working on building site for several years but due to the current situation I'm heading towards to Education. That's why I opened this Blog for the ICT subject in the "Qualification in English Teaching Course".
My level of English is officially B2+ (FCE) but I'm working hard to improve it and maybe someday I'll try to pass the C1 (ACE). Anyway, It's supposed that my english level is good enough to gave birth to this Blog.
This is my first online course, however, I'm very used to new technologies and computers so I don't expect to have any problems during this process.
I'm about to finish my first entry and I hope you didn't get bored yet.
Step by step I'll be improving the content of my entries.

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